OwO Farm Bot Stable


OwO Farm Bot Stable is an open-source Discord bot designed to automate your OwO farming activities. It features an advanced web UI and integrated captcha solver, allowing you to manage your bot operations seamlessly. Developed with passion by Turkish engineers and the mid0hub team, this bot brings innovative ideas to life.


  • Modern Web UI for easy control
  • Automatic join giveaway and command execution
  • Dual token support (main & extra tokens)
  • Automated commands: hunt, battle, pray, curse, gamble, and more
  • HCaptcha detection and automatic solving
  • AND MORE...


Follow these step-by-step instructions to install the bot on Windows or Linux:

  1. Ensure Node.js is installed: Verify your installation by running node -v in your terminal.
  2. Clone the repository: Run git clone https://github.com/Mid0aria/owofarmbot_stable in your terminal.
  3. Navigate to the project folder: Change directory with cd owofarmbot_stable.
  4. Configure the bot: Open and edit the config.json file to suit your needs.
  5. Run the bot: Start the bot by executing node main.js.
  6. Control the bot: Use the Web UI or Discord commands (e.g., !start, !pause, !resume, !stop) to manage operations.


OwO Farm Bot Stable is licensed under the CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 license. You are free to share and adapt the project, provided you give appropriate credit and do not use it for commercial purposes.